In 2020, Dame Allan’s joined the country as the lockdown began - how would this affect careers provision? Head of Careers Belinda Whitehouse explains...
Lockdown begins
On March 23 2020 Dame Allan’s joined the whole country as the lockdown began; a very anxious time as we embarked upon how to run a virtual school delivering teaching, learning and meetings online.
Lessons in classrooms ended for an indefinite time for all, except NHS/essential/key worker children. Events and fixtures were cancelled... but not Morrisby!
We have been using the Morrisby platform for some time now. We had scheduled Morrisby again on 31st March and we would go ahead - this year it would be supervised at home. Morrisby combines early preparation for the world of work with a psychometric assessment, close self-analysis and understanding, teaching and exploration of career sectors and support in learning how to make decisions for the future - not only at school but for life, fulfilling all aspects of ‘digital pedagogy’. Understanding the Use of Digital Technology in the Careers Development Sector (University of Derby and CDI, 2019).
Morrisby at home
This was launched with very careful planning: emails to 130 Year 10 students, their parents and our staff and clear instructions on Google Classroom as well as on our internal HE/Careers website’ My Great Future’.
On 31st March, the vast majority of Year 10 had completed their Morrisby by lunchtime, as planned. I was very proud of the students and grateful to parents for their support.
"I was extremely pleased with the results as I was recommended my dream career and my results were good." - Student
Online learning
The rest of the summer term will focus on the lessons I have loaded in the ‘Forms’ area of Morrisby which include a CV Builder and a self-awareness activity- very useful for students’ wellbeing in the current lockdown conditions when it’s fundamental to focus on strengths and to remain purposeful. I’ve adapted lessons for other year groups too, in particular in the absence of work experience this summer for Year 11 and 12 , they write a ‘Career Case Study’; interviewing family/friends about their career journey (at home/facetime/email). Students are also asked to research another dream job via the Morrisby resources.
Morrisby - a one stop shop fulfils every Gatsby Benchmark by offering impartial guidance and information.
“Morrisby resources are extremely useful in guiding the students into what they can imagine themselves doing, purely based on their own skills and attributes rather than comparing themselves with those around them.” - Parent
When we return to our old/new lives at school I will have the privilege of analysing the results of Morrisby in detail with the students in 1:1 consultations, writing their Action Plans and collating their bespoke Aspirations Packs to help planning ahead.
I am delighted we can give Year 11/12 support on tap as they start to research their FE/HE choices on Morrisby during lockdown, and we are grateful we can offer Year 13 continued independent careers guidance and support as leavers/alumni; surely this guidance for life is Gatsby Benchmark 9.