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Careers platform for ages 11-16

All you need to deliver and track your careers programme up to the age of 16. For older students, please visit our Morrisby Complete page.

For more information on what is included in Morrisby Essentials, please visit our pricing page.

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Morrisby Careers - online careers guidance dashboard example
At a glance
Age Icon
Price Icon
£695 pa school licence
Assessment icon
Aspirations & interests
Bonus Icon
Parent share tool
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Morrisby online careers guidance dashboard example

Explore our extensive careers library

View rich information on careers, subject choices, apprenticeships and higher education, each with detailed routes to entry and qualification requirements.

Kick-start a journey of self-discovery

Simple yet powerful assessments match students’ individual interests and preferences to specific careers and courses, analysing results against more than 700 careers.

Morrisby online careers guidance dashboard example
Morrisby online careers guidance dashboard example

Support students at key decision points

Support students to make informed choices at key academic decision points such as options at age 14 and 16.

Build futures with our action planning tool

Help students organise their careers progression, making it easy for tutors to engage in conversation and provide support.

Morrisby online careers guidance dashboard example - action plan tile
Morrisby online careers guidance dashboard example

Prioritise support with agile data

Easily view key information through powerful dashboards and databases, separating students by cohorts, vulnerable groups, subject preferences and more.

Morrisby online careers guidance dashboard example

Record careers activity for easy management

It’s never been easier to log careers activity and evidence student development. Input things such as careers-related events, extracurricular or enrichment activities.

Track progress with learner passports

Students can log their own activities and acquired skills, displaying evidence for each to be easily audited by teachers. This is combined with the action plan to create the Learner Passport.

Morrisby online careers guidance dashboard example
Morrisby online careers guidance dashboard example - gatsby benchmarks

Evidence Gatsby Benchmarks

Categorise activities, lesson plans, worksheets, class presentations and more against multiple Gatsby Benchmark and SkillsBuilder steps to easily evidence your wider provision.

Unlocking Opportunities

“It not only helped me understand myself and my learning goals, but it also opened up so many resources and opportunities that I didn't even know existed.”
Y9 Student
“Morrisby has so many things in one place, I would definitely recommend it.”
Y12 Student
“The support the team at Morrisby offer schools is incredibly helpful and timely too!”
Head of Careers

Rich features for careers leaders

  • Custom groups to track vulnerable students
  • Interview tools to record key events such as options
  • Track multiple Gatsby Benchmarks
  • Destinations recording
  • Data upload to CEC compass+
Morrisby Careers - online careers guidance dashboard example

Everything you need to succeed

For students

  • Self-Discovery assessments
  • Personalised guidance
  • Flexible action planning
  • Log activities
  • Track skills
  • Capture student voice

For teachers

  • Know your students
  • View progress
  • Monitor student engagement
  • Log meetings & advice
  • Access resources

For schools

  • Evidence career activity
  • Customisable career plan
  • Meet Gatsby Benchmarks
  • Student support
  • Raise aspirations
  • School-wide resource library