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An integrated suite of careers tools

The complete support platform for careers, work experience, apprenticeships and higher education.

Morrisby online careers guidance dashboard example

For your complete careers journey

Morrisby Careers dashboard panels

Morrisby Essentials
A whole-school careers platform for use with students aged 11-16 which includes:

- 20 credits to use the Morrisby Profile plus unlimited use of our Aspirations, Personality, Priorities and Subject Interests questionnaires that integrate to provide personalised career, subject and course guidance, and support option choices at 13/14 and 16

- A library of over 700 detailed career profiles for students to browse and explore

- Labour market information arranged nationally and regionally

- 111 lesson plans for years 7-11, linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks

- “Skillsbuilder inside” for recording and developing essential employability skills

- Ability to track and report against Gatsby Benchmarks and upload into Compass+

- University and Apprenticeship search, including ability to compare coursesLearner passport - a digital “record of achievement” for students to show their activities

Can be bundled with the Work Experience Suite for a joined-up solution

Find out more here or visit our pricing page

Gatsby Benchmark icons and skill logos


Morrisby Tracker allows schools, colleges and students to record careers activities, providing excellent evidence of wider provision to meet Gatsby Benchmarks. Students can build a careers passport, a digital “record of achievement” to show their development of employability skills.

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Morrisby Complete
Suitable for ages 11-18 and includes all the functionality of Morrisby Essentials (including ability to bundle with the Work Experience Suite), as well as:

- 40 credits to use the Morrisby Profile plus unlimited use of our Aspirations, Personality, Priorities and Subject Interests questionnaires that integrate to provide personalised career, subject and course guidance, and support option choices at 14, 16 and 18.

- 46 additional lesson plans for ages 17 and 18.

- A full suite of tools to manage the UCAS application process - predicted grades entry, personal statement builder, references entry and management

- Oxbridge tool to enable comparisons between colleges

- Details of the top 450 universities in UK and globally

Find out more here or visit our pricing page


Morrisby Profile
A series of psychometric assessments (verbal, numerical, abstract, spatial, mechanical) which: 

- Measures potential, not acquired skill or knowledge

- Is not unduly influenced by educational or social background 

- Provides a comprehensive outline of a person's intellectual make-up as well as the way in which their abilities are put to use

- Combined with the results from the Aspirations and Personality questionnaires, generates the most accurate career and subject suggestions

- Comes with a log-in for life to allow people to return to it throughout their working lives

An initial number of Morrisby Profiles are bundled with each of the above products, but further credits can also be purchased on top. 

Find out more here