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Morrisby Profile

Get Started with Morrisby

Buy a Morrisby Pass
Morrisby online careers guidance dashboard example

What's included?

Careers advice consultation

A 30 or 60 minute (depending on age) Zoom or telephone consultation with a qualified careers adviser to discuss goals and ambitions.

PLEASE NOTE: If you book an interview and fail to attend twice, you will be required to pay for your next one.


Verbal, numerical, abstract, spatial and mechanical reasoning to discover inner strengths and abilities. There are also a couple of short questionnaires to complete.

Tailored suggestions

Career, subject, course and apprenticeship suggestions based on the results plus personality and interests questionnaire responses.

Careers information

Subject and grade requirements, routes to reach careers and much more from our vast database of useful information.

PLEASE NOTE - Information about qualifications and routes to careers refers to the British education system - you would therefore need to interpret this information for your own context.

Lifetime login

Access our platform for as long as you want to, keep your account updated and contact us via email at any point in life for new advice if things change.

PLEASE NOTE: This service is only suitable for students in Year 10/Grade 9 and older. Younger students will not be able to access the assessments.

University course search

Over 40,000 courses available to browse with entry requirements and employment opportunties. We have full UCAS course listings and courses in Europe plus links to the major universities around the world.
Morrisby online careers guidance pass guarantee

Money back guarantee

We offer a 100% money back guarantee on your initial purchase. If, within 30 days of your initial purchase, you decide you would like your money back then we will refund you in full. You just need to call us on +44(0)330 500 5000. Subsequent purchases by the same customer are not covered by this refund policy.

For 15-18s

Morrisby Pass + 30 minute careers interview

For over 18s

Morrisby Pass + 60 minute careers interview