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Helping your school to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks & simplify Compass+

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Gatsby Benchmarks graphic - laptop showing the Morrisby online portal displaying Gatsby Benchmarks tracking
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Screenshot of tracking Gatsby Benchmark in the Morrisby portal

Tracking and evidencing Gatsby Benchmarks

The Morrisby suite has been designed from the ground-up to help you meet and exceed the Gatsby Benchmarks. This highly engaging and student-centred system enables you to anchor your careers program in evidence and generate data for Compass+ and other reporting requirements.

Gatsby Benchmarks for Careers Guidance

A stable careers programme
Every school should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by pupils, parents, teachers and employers.
Learning from labour market information
Every student, and their parents, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities.
Addressing every pupil’s needs
Schools must have a well-defined and stable careers programme with activities such as work experience, employer visits and talks from professionals.
Linking curriculum learning to careers
All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. It's important that students understand that they are studying a subject to open up employment opportunities.
Encounters with employers & employees
Schools should make sure that they provide opportunities for students to meet employers, learn from their experiences and find out what skills they need to succeed in the workplace.
Experience of workplaces
Schools should form connections to provide work placements for students, paid or voluntary, that will give them a chance to see what it's like to work in a particular industry or sector.
Encounters with further & higher education
Every student should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and the workplace.
Personal guidance
Every student should have the opportunity to meet with a trained careers adviser/counsellor who should be available at all times when a student is making significant study or career decisions.

How Morrisby Helps Schools to Meet the Gatsby Benchmarks

Gatsby Benchmark 1
Gatsby Benchmark 1:
A stable careers programme
  • Suitable for age 11-18+, available 24/7 with a 'login for life'
  • 44 ready-made lesson plans mapped to Gatsby Benchmarks as well as CDI, Skills Builder and PSHE frameworks
  • Detailed analysis of student progress
  • Link to school MIS system such as SIMS, Arbor, iSAMS and Bromcom
Gatsby Benchmark 2
Gatsby Benchmark 2:
Learning from career and labour market information
  • 900+ regularly updated careers profiles
  • Subject and course listings
  • Apprenticeships details
  • Up-to-date LMI
  • Entry requirements and pathways
Gatsby Benchmark 3
Gatsby Benchmark 3:
Addressing every pupil's needs
  • Aspirations, values and interests questionnaires
  • Tailored, independent, suggestions for every student
  • “Learner Passport” to track participation in events and activities
  • Add student needs such as EAL and PP from MIS systems
Gatsby Benchmark 4
Gatsby Benchmark 4:
Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Lesson plans that can be used cross-curriculum
  • Add your own activities using the Compass+ vocabulary to record subject areas
  • Connects to the Skills Builder framework
Gatsby Benchmark 5
Gatsby Benchmark 5:
Encounters with employers and employees
  • Record interactions with employers
  • Upload evidence (certificates, photos)
  • Log Skills Builder skills
  • Record student feedback
  • Guidance on CV writing
Gatsby Benchmark 6
Gatsby Benchmark 6:
Experiences of workplaces
  • Examples of day-to-day activities
  • Videos experiences of job roles
  • Bespoke suggestions based on goals
  • Log and record work experience activities
Gatsby Benchmark 7
Gatsby Benchmark 7:
Encounters with further and higher education
  • UK university and college profiles plus top 500 institutions worldwide
  • LInks to UCAS and European course information
  • Course search tool to compile a shortlist
  • Open days tool to record visits
Gatsby Benchmark 8
Gatsby Benchmark 8:
Personal guidance
  • Detailed insight into individuals
  • Personalised subject and career recommendations
  • Record interviews and outcomes
  • Training for staff to deliver Morrisby sessions and feedback

Dame Allan’s School has been using Morrisby to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks and have been delighted with its success for students across KS4 and KS5.

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