The school was founded in 1705 by Dame Eleanor Allan to provide a 'proper education' for boys and girls in Newcastle.
Dame Allans' Schools have approx. 1300 students in Junior, Senior and Sixth Form and aims to embrace technology, change and challenges in a way that sets an example for and motivates all students.
Delivering against Gatsby
All students benefit from Morrisby in years 9-13 and will continue to do so once they have left Dame Allan's with the Morrisby ‘Login for life’.
As part of the well-established careers provision, the school has been offering student guidance via Morrisby for over 30 years (Benchmark 1).
A student's Morrisby results - following psychometric testing and interests questionnaire - address the strengths and aspirations of every individual (Benchmark 3).
Students quote directly from their Morrisby profile in their CVs offering employers a valuable insight into their strengths (Benchmark 5).
Students have independent access to impartial information and guidance addressing their needs (Benchmark 3) and can research relevant education pathways (Benchmark 7) and careers and labour market information (Benchmark 2).
At the careers consultation, the results are analysed and personal guidance is given in the form of a careers ambitions pack (Benchmark 8). The careers ambitions pack includes an action plan which records the conversation in consultation (Benchmark 3 and 8). These records/plans include students' aspirations and how to research further (Benchmarks 3 and 8).
Direct links are made between GCSEs, A level choices, Higher education choices and careers (Benchmark 4 and 7) information about careers, LMI, companies and ideas for work experience placement applications (Benchmark 2 and planning for 5 and 6), and how to stand out from the rest (Benchmarks 1, 3 ,8).
“Morrisby Profile is the perfect tool for careers consultations between adviser and student.” Belinda Whitehouse, Head of Careers
Dame Allan's School continued their Morrisby success throughout the National Lockdown, with students thriving in online learning.