Taking a year abroad during your degree can give you all sorts of unfair advantages!
Hear from Melanie about exactly how a year abroad can help you level up...
Is it worth taking a year from your degree to go abroad?
Some students ask me this very much in the sense of does it make me more competitive for the future?
Well, it might. It might be that it year gives you additional skills, additional language fluency, additional competencies that you can use for a job application or for a future employer.
But that's not the best reason to go study abroad.
Study abroad, taking a year to be in a different culture, in a different country, in a different educational system potentially.
Studying subjects you might not get to do as part of your main degree.
Learning about different people, learning to communicate with those different people, developing your understanding of the big wide world out there, developing your global mindedness... That gives you a huge amount of personal development.
You will almost certainly learn something about yourself.
You might well make friendships that will last a lifetime.
You will certainly make yourself a more globally aware and globally prepared individual.
And let's face it, the world needs more of those.