Around age 18, you’ll have some important choices to make about your next steps. We've weighed up 5 routes to consider from studying to employment.
Work experience placements are so valuable for students' academic success. Learn how to find a work experience placement, or find work experience alternatives!
An introduction to the new training model of flexi-job apprenticeships and why they might just be the best option for your or your students.
We've outlined some of the ways to ensure your job search is successful and produces results suited to your skills and qualifications!
You’ve probably heard about apprenticeships, but do you really know what they’re all about? Here we look at some of their key features.
Many young people have to choose between going to university or doing an apprenticeship but it's not an easy decision. Here are 6 questions to help...
Getting your CV right is so important, we've put together some top tips and tricks for writing a great CV!
An insight into what your options are when it comes to choosing Higher Technical Qualifications.
For many careers, you have to have some relevant experience. Insight and internship programmes are one way you can get that vital experience...
Apprenticeships are an option for many people, not only school leavers. You can choose to pursue an apprenticeship at any stage in your life.
In this blog we explore all of the options that are available to help you finance your studies in the United Kingdom.
How to manage your money as a student with some tips and advice for anyone who is budgeting and studying at the same time.
Adding a placement year to your university degree may initially seem intimidating, but it can provide significant advantages. Find out our top 3 advantages...